
Next service
Sun 9th Mar, 10:30am

Murrayfield Churches Together (MCT)

We are part of Murrayfield Churches Together. MCT brings together Saughtonhall United Reformed Church (SURC), Scottish Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd (COGS) and ourselves Murrayfield Church.

MCT is a long standing covenanted ecumenical partnership. The last covenant was signed in November 2015 for a further 7 years. A steering group populated by members of all 3 congregations offers oversight.

We share joint worship several times of year eg during The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in January and Christian Aid week in May. We come together for special services at Easter and Advent and Christmas and we also run Messy Church together. MCT supports Fresh Start and also a project in Kenya called ECUDARE.

Visit MCTs website for more info.