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Sun 9th Mar, 10:30am

Our 5 Year Plan

Our 5 year plan

Our five year plan is organised in categories used by Presbytery in its Local Church Review process. The current plan runs from 2015-2020. 


  1. to make the main Sunday service as engaging, inspiring and accessible as possible - this is the centre of our life together.
  2. to develop music at Sunday worship (phased introduction of contemporary hymnody, vocalists, range of instrumentation alongside organ and active choir). 
  3. to pilot, review and plan for monthly Saturday afternoon messy church.
  4. to involve participants in worship including leading worship at Murrayfield House nursing home. 
  5. to explore other worship formats


  1. to try a range of approaches in engaging with those in the parish who are de-churched or un-churched, including: messy church; back to church Sunday; invitations to Christmas and Easter services;  courses to explore faith; mothers & toddlers group; concert events. 
  2. to connect more with groups using the church centre. 


  1. to restructure the delivery of pastoral care.
  2. to maintain MPC’s pivotal role in the Murrayfield Club.
  3. to assess sustainability of church centre as a community resource.
  4. to maintain support of local community projects including fresh start, cans for Christmas, gifts for prisoners’ children.
  5. to maintain and develop links with local schools and nurseries.


  1. to plan and launch a range of small groups to nurture people in faith
  2. to explore running other issue based groups or courses eg. bereavement.
  3. to encourage our children and young people in their faith through eg. s-club, quest and related activities.


  1. to review the church calendar and plan for additional events eg. church lunches.
  2. to facilitate the development of fellowship networks within the congregation

Wider church:

  1. to foster our ecumenical relationships in MCT [renew covenant].
  2. to transition to a new phase in our Ghana partnership.
  3. to maintain our commitment to ECUDARE and support of Christian Aid and Traidcraft.
  4. to achieve next level of eco-congregation award.

Ministry team/leadership:

  1. to consolidate status of families worker post from a 1yr post to a 3yr post
  2. to employ a youthworker (pilot).
  3. to review current staffing (paid & voluntary) in light of requirements. 
  4. to identify and invest in those who will become new leaders in congregation.
  5. to train leaders in worship and pastoral matters.


  1. to produce and implement a 10yr programme of maintenance and improvement.
  2. to upgrade sound and vision and internet provision in church and centre.
  3. to engage in a feasibility study re. options for connecting church and centre.


  1. to run focused campaigns that lead to an increase in regular givings, and an increase in contributions to specific restricted funds. 
  2. to promote legacy giving.
  3. to make applications to grant funding bodies.


  1. to make paperless/electronic communication the default option.
  2. to review and overhaul current means of communication, including website, magazine, information leaflets, signage, information boards.